You can change bb point amount in url part: -XXX-points
You can change after part: -to-user-XXX
Transfer BB Points 💎 from your bot to users
Step 1
Generate your personal secret webhook url in @BBPointBot by command: /getTransferUrl
Set Secret (any words or symbols - whatever you want) in @BBPointBot by command: /setTransferSecret
Personal secret webhook url with Secret - is safe information.
You can reset the Secret at any time via command /setTransferSecret
Step 2
In your bot command create new command /makeTransfer:
// Danger! User can run this command
// You need add logic for secure
// if(your logic){ return }
// Just generate webhook url for current user
let webhookUrl = Libs.Webhooks.getUrlFor({
command: "onTransfer",
Bot.sendMessage("Transfer in progress")
// make transfer request to BB Point bot {
url: "http://Your Personal secret webhook url from step 1",
body: {
// BB Points amount
amount: 3,
// transfer BB Points for current user
to_tg_id: user.telegramid,
// note for @bbpoints channel
note: "#testTransfer by " +,
webhookUrl: webhookUrl,
secret: "your Secret" // from step 1
} )
This command transfer BB Points without any conditions.
You must add some conditions. You are not going to send BB Points without any reason?
Step 3
In your bot command create new command onTransfer:
var json = JSON.parse(content);
// You can inspect all passed data:
// Bot.inspect(json)
Bot.sendMessage("Error: " + json.error.title);
Bot.sendMessage("Code: " + json.error.code);
// error codes:
// 1 - You do not have BB Points for transfer
// BB Points transferred to current user
let admin_bb_points = json.owner.bb_points - json.amount;
"BB Points transferred:\n" +
json.amount + "💎 BB Points to tg id: " + user.telegramid +
"\n\nAdmin: @" + json.owner.username +
"\n have now: " + String(admin_bb_points) + "💎 BB Points"