MembershipChecker (MCL)

This library is used to verify user membership in other channels and chats. It is also know as MCLib (MCL)

We have demo bots for MCLib in the Store - BBJoinBot and BBChannelPromotionBot

It is recommended to use this library, since it allows you to make the bot work faster.

Verification methods run in the background so the user does not need to wait for a response from the bot.

Initial setup

Install Library and create /setup command:


Then go to App > Bot > Admin Panels and fill options:

Please note:

  • Small checking delay is not good for iterations

  • One chat (or one channel) require 1 iteration per check

  • you can turn on "debug info" checkbox for bug searching



You need to define commands in the admin panel. You can define only those commands that you need.

Callback commandDescription


user still need to join to any resource


user still need to join to all resource


user just joined to any resource


user just joined to all resources


user is still joined to all resources


error callback

Before all command

in @ command:

// for automatic checking
// with checking delay from admin panel

if(chat?.chat_type == "private"){
    // we check joining only in private chat

This method can have much more iterations usage.

You can increase checking delay time for hour and etc for decreasing iterations usage.

Also you can use it only on /start - but user can leave your channel after joining and bot starting. With @ command it is permanent checking.

We use (chat?.chat_type == "private") because in group chat (usually) joining checking is not needed.

Command /onNeedJoining

  "You still need to join: " + options.chat_id

// you can access for passed data:
// Bot.inspect(options.bb_option)

This callback will be executed if the user has not yet joined or has left after handle() or check() methods

This callback will be executed per each channel or chat. For example, if you have 5 not joined chats you will have 5 callbacks

Command /onJoining:

if(!options){ return } // protect from manual run
Bot.sendMessage("Thank you for joining to" + options.chat_id);

// you can access for passed data:
// Bot.inspect(options.bb_option)

This callback will be executed if the user just joined after after handle() or check() methods

This callback will be executed if the user just joined to any channel

Command /onAllJoining:

if(!options){ return } // protect from manual run
Bot.sendMessage("Thank you for joining!");

// you can access for passed data:
// Bot.inspect(options.bb_option)

This callback will be executed if the user just joined after after handle() or check() methods

This callback will be executed once if the user has joined all channels

Command /onStillJoined

  "You still have membership in our groups. Thank!"

This callback will be executed if the user still joined to all channels and chats after check() method only.

Limited bot access

If membership is required to use the bot you can use before all command: @

// for all chats and channels:
let isMember = Libs.MembershipChecker.isMember();

// for one chat / channel:
// isMember = Libs.MembershipChecker.isMember("@chatName")

// we need this commands because user always need
// to /start bot and make "/check" command
const skipCommands = [
   "Check", "/check",
    //  "/setup"   // it is also can be

const canRunBot = isMember || skipCommands.includes(message);

  let channels = Libs.MembershipChecker.getChats();
  Bot.sendMessage("Please join to our channels " + channels)
  return // return from bot execution

Check button

You can also perform manual check if you need something like "check" button.

Example for /check command:

// for all chats and channels:
// this method perform checking without delay
// but not more often than once every 2 seconds

// also you can pass any data for callbacks:
// Libs.MembershipChecker.check({ any: "data", here: "for callbacks"  })

It is good to use Cooldown Lib here

User can press button many times. So we can restrict this and save iterations

All methods



Install Admin Panel for Lib


Force check memberships.

You can pass any data in options for callbacks (onJoining, onNeedJoining, onNeedAllJoining, onStillJoined)



Soft check memberships with delay (you can setup delay in Admin Panel). Use this method in before all @ command You can pass any data in options for callbacks (onJoining and onNeedJoining)



Returns true if the user has joined all resources. chat_id - can be null (it will be all chats) Before you need to execute handle() or check()


Returns all resources (group chats, channels) specified in the Admin Panel


Returns all resources (group chats, channels) specified in the panel that the user has not yet joined

All background methods require additional iterations.

Last updated