What it is "bot command"?
Command - it is text from user. Bot can sent answer for command or do something. Usually command start with "/"
, e.g. /hello
. But it is not always required.
and /START
- it is not same commands. Command is case sensitive
How to execute command with any text from user? (Master command)
Just use *
in command name.
See more
Command's fields
Command can have:
Field | Description | Example |
| use for command call |
case sensitive |
| command's description |
| text answer |
| use for alternative command call |
| send keyboard to user on command call |
| command allowed only for this user's group |
| command wait for answer from user. Can be true, false or blank. If |
| command can be runs with interval in secs |
How to create and edit commands?
You can edit command directly from application.
Commands importing
Make all commands with Google Table.
Also you can copy Template table from into your own table.
This is an ideal option: everything is quite simple. Go to Main menu > File > Make a copy
. You will need a separate sheet for the commands that will contain the commands. Then you can add commands in rows and do the CSV import from application.
Last updated