HTTP.get( {
url: "",
success: '/onLoading',
error: '/onError'
// if you need pass headers.
// By default header "content-type" = 'application/json'
// headers: { "content-type": null }
// folow_redirects: true, // if you need folow by redirects
// background: true - if you have timeout error
} )
/* also you can send POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS requests: {
url: "",
success: '/onLoading ',
body: {}, // body params
// cookies: "" // cookies
// headers: { "content-type": null } // - if you need headers
// folow_redirects: true, // if you need folow by redirects
} )
By default header "content-type" is 'application/json'. Some api may have a bug with this. Try set headers: { "content-type": null }
You can use GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS methods., HTTP.put and etc
Command onLoading
// downloaded page stored on content field
Bot.inspect(http_status); // "200"
Bot.inspect(http_headers); // headers from response
Bot.inspect(cookies); // it is blank for
Command onError
Bot.sendMessage("Error on downloading");
Bot.inspect(http_headers); // headers from response
Http request can be performed in background with bigger timeout.
Pass background: true if you need request from slow web page. Task on backgroud is more slowly but it have bigger timeout limit.