Lang File


Language files are a crucial part of developing a multilingual bot using SmartBot. They allow you to separate the textual content from the logic of your bot, making it easier to manage and update translations.

This guide will walk you through the process of creating and setting up a language file for SmartBot.


A language file in SmartBot is a JSON object that contains keys and values. The keys represent command names, message types, or other identifiers, while the values hold the actual text or translations.

Basic Structure

  "commands": {
    "/start": {
      "text": "Welcome to our bot!"
    "/help": {
      "text": "Here's how you can use the bot..."
  "types": {
    // General types and templates
  "titles": {
    // General titles or labels used in the commands
    // will be added to params
    // can be accessed via params and via {name} in template
  // Additional sections as needed

Rules for Writing Language Files

  1. Do Not Translate Keys: Never translate the keys in the language file; only translate the values.

  2. Preserve Masks in Curly Braces: Any text within {} should not be translated. These are placeholders for dynamic content.

  3. Avoid Changing the Structure: Maintain the JSON structure as defined in your bot's code.

Adding Commands and Responses

Each command your bot can execute should have a corresponding entry in the language file. For example:

"commands": {
  "/start": {
    "text": "Welcome, {username}! Ready to start your journey?"
  "/balance": {
    "text": "Your current balance is {balance} coins."

Command Structure in Language Files

In SmartBot, the commands section of the language file plays a crucial role. Each command the bot can execute should have a corresponding entry in this section. The structure allows for dynamic content insertion and supports various functionalities like text responses, keyboard layouts, and media handling.

Basic Template for Commands

Each command entry can include the following properties:

"commandName": {
  "text": "Response text with {variable}",
  "parse_mode": "HTML",  // default is "Markdown"
  "chat_id": "Chat ID"   // or @channelname",
  "alias": "Command alias",
  "aliases": "Back, Cancel",
  "keyboard": "Button1, Button2",
  "inline_buttons": [
    { "text": "Button text", "command": "/command" },
    { "text": "Button text", "url": "" }
  "alert": "Alert text for inline button",
  "alert_top": "Top alert text",
  "photo": "",
  // Run another command
  // you can pass run option
  // "run": { command: "/start", params: { any: "param" } }
  // Editing:
  // this command can be act as edit command
  // for text or/and keyboard.
  // Default is: false
  // "edit": false,
  // message id for editing
  // "message_id": "{message_id}",

Key Properties Explained

  • text: The bot's response text. You can embed variables like {username} that will be dynamically replaced.

  • parse_mode: Defines how the message text should be parsed and formatted. Defaults to "Markdown".

  • chat_id: Specifies where the message should be sent. It can be a user ID, a group ID, or a channel username. By default - it is current chat.

  • alias and aliases: Shortcuts or alternative names for commands. Useful for multi-language support or creating intuitive command names. Examples: "Back, Cancel". Alias support spaces. For example: "Go to back" - it is alias: it is not "Go" with params

  • keyboard and inline_buttons: Define custom keyboards or inline button layouts for interactive responses.

  • alert and alert_top: Special properties for displaying alerts when inline buttons are pressed.

  • photo: Directs the bot to send an image. The URL should point to the image file.

  • run: you can pass "run" for run sub command like "run": { command: "/start", params: { any: "param" } }

  • edit: A boolean flag indicating whether the bot should edit its previous message instead of sending a new one.

  • message_id: message id for editing. Please note: SmartBot passed current message id on inline button pressing automatically

Example: Simple Test Command

Here's a basic example of a test command setup in the language file:

"/test": {
  "text": "Current language file version: #/langVer"

Using Types and References

You can also use predefined types or templates defined in the types section of your language file, as shown in the example above with #/langVer.

types: {
  langVer: "Lang file version: 1.0.0",
  // you can structure blocks as you wish - it is just a JS object
  // for example "keyboards", "buttons", "alerts", "screens", "groups" and etc
  keyboards: {
    // we can use it as "#/keyboards/joinInlineKeyboard"
    // "#/" - it is key for types
    // only one button here:
    joinInlineKeyboard: [[
      { text: "Check join to {Joining:notJoinedCount} " + 
          "from {Joining:channelsCount} channel(s)",
       command: "checkJoin"  // it is link for command

then you can use types in commands:

"/test": {
  // just simnple text with type reference:
  // we used general type "langVer" from "types" section
  text: "#/langVer"

and as keyboard:

"/start": {
  text: "Hello.\nIt is BB Demo Task Bot." +
    "\n\nYou can earn {currency} for completing tasks.\n\n " +
    "*You need to join:* \n {Joining:allChannels} \n\n",

  // we used general type "joinInlineKeyboard" from "types" section
  inline_buttons: "#/keyboards/joinInlineKeyboard"

Setting Up the Language File in SmartBot

To support multiple languages, create separate language files for each language, and then use SmartBot's setupLng method to load the appropriate file based on user preferences.

Once your language file is ready, you can set it up in SmartBot like this - command name "lng-en":

const LANG_EN = {
  // Your English translations...
  "commands": {
    // ...
  "types": {
    // ...
  "titles": {
    // ...
smartBot.setupLng("en", LANG_EN);

another command - 'lng-fr':

const LANG_FR = {
  // Your French translations...
smartBot.setupLng("fr", LANG_FR);

Setup command - /setup:

const languages = [
  // the first language item is default!
  //   it is used if user language is not found
  //   and it is English by default!
    // English
    "name": "English",
    "code": "en",
    "flag": "🇺🇸"
  // add anoter languages here
  // you need also add command lng-CODE e.g. lng-fr
  // use command "lng-en" as template
  // {
  //   // French
  //   "name": "Français",
  //   "code": "fr",
  //   "flag": "🇫🇷"
  // },
  // and etc

let cmdName;
for(let i in languages){
  cmdName = "lng-" + languages[i].code;{ command: cmdName })

Then run /setup command in the bot.

if you change Lang file you need to rerun /setup again

Last updated

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