CoinPayments (CP)

This Lib make integration with in easy way.

Initial setup

Need to setup public and private key:

  1. Go to this page and generate new key.

Press on button "Edit Permissions" and add API Key Permissions:

Then on bot /setup command:

// Get your keys in
Libs.CoinPayments.setPrivateKey("YOUR KEY");
Libs.CoinPayments.setPublicKey('YOUR KEY');

// for Receiving Payments
// Get your BB Api Key from Bots.Business App in Profile
Libs.CoinPayments.setBBApiKey('YOUR API KEY');

Call API methods

All CoinPayments API method available here.

For example for method Get Basic Account Information we need 2 commands: /info and /onInfo

/info command:

  fields: { cmd: "get_basic_info"},
  onSuccess: '/onInfo'

In fields you can pass all fields from CoinPayments api. Just read help.

/onInfo command:

Bot.sendMessage("CoinPayments owner email:" +;

Combine libs!

CoinPayments API do not have some methods. For example get balance by address, validate address, get transactions for address and etc.

Use Lib with CP Lib together! is free if you do not use wallets there.

Receiving Payments

See demo bot. Available in the Store.

It is possible to receive payment for a temporary or permanent wallet.

Temporary wallet benefits:

  • Fixed amount

  • Can bind the payment to the ordered product

  • Status and checkout page

  • QR code for payment

  • one address for one payment

Permanent wallet benefits:

  • Any amount

  • One address for several payments

  • User can transfer funds at any time

Setup: set IPN Secret

The first step is to go to the My Settings page > Merchant Settings and set a IPN Secret.

Your IPN Secret is a string of your choosing. Recommended to be a random string of letters, numbers, and special characters.

CoinPayments will not send any IPNs unless you have an IPN Secret set.

See more

Once more! You need input any text (random text) as IPN secret in Merchant Settings page

Temporary wallet

We use command "create_transaction" with IPN.

Please see for details.

Yes, you can write it via Libs.CoinPayments.apiCallmethod too. But there is an easier way.

Command /pay

let amount = 0.0001; // amount in BTC

options = {
  fields: {
     amount: amount,   // amount in BTC
     currency: "BTC",  // currency1 = currency2 = BTC
     // currency1: "BTC",   // The original currency of the transaction
     // currency2: "LTC"  //The currency the buyer will be sending
     // buyer_email: "",
     // you can use another fields also
     // except custom and ipn_url (it used by Lib)
     // See
  // generated wallet, QR code, payment page
  // will be available in this command
  onSuccess: '/onCreatePayment',
  // on successful payment this command
  // will be executed
  onPaymentCompleted: "/onPaymentCompleted",
  // it is not necessary
  // onIPN: "/onIPN"
  // if you want customize error messages
  // onError: "/onError"


Automatically with Library:

It is preferable to use method onPaymentCompleted and not method onIPN.

Since the method onPaymentCompleted completely covers the IPN and solves the problem with IPN Retries / Duplicate IPNs

Command /onCreatePayment

// You can inspect all options:
// Bot.sendMessage(inspect(options));

let result = options.result;

let msg = "*Need pay:*\n `" + result.amount + "`" + 
 "\n\n*to address:*\n" +
 "`" + result.address + "`" +
 "\n\n [Checkout](" + result.checkout_url +
    ") | [Status](" + result.status_url + 
 ")" // you can uncomment this for manual status checking
 // + "\n\nCheck status manually: /check" + options.payment_index;

Api.sendPhoto({ photo: result.qrcode_url }); 

Command /onPaymentCompleted

This command will be executed on successful payment

Need install ResourcesLib

// you can inspect all options
// Bot.sendMessage(inspect(options));

   // for security we need to check that this command runned only by lib
   // user can not run command with options

Bot.sendMessage("Payment completed");

let amount = options.amount1;

let res = Libs.ResourcesLib.userRes("balance");

Bot.sendMessage("added to balance, BTC: " + amount);


Now you can receive payments

Information about extra payments and refunds.

It is possible to define buyer email in fields for options (see code for command /pay )

Please note: CoinPayments do not send you extra payments. CoinPayments send just email to buyer (or you) about refund for that extra.

Also no any information about such extra in CP Panel or IPN. Be careful

Additional Information

You can check payment status

  payment_index: payment_index,  // see /onCreatePayment command.
                                    // Need pass this payment_index to this command
  onSuccess: '/on_txn_id'

command: /on_txn_id:

// You can inspect all options:
// Bot.sendMessage(inspect(options));


// Do not finish payment here.
// Use /onPaymentCompleted for this

command /onIPN

You can get info from IPN. Really it is not needed in simple. Just use onPaymentCompleted option on createTransaction.

// You can inspect all fields:
// Bot.sendMessage(inspect(options))

// IPN is not needed
// Use - onPaymentCompleted

Bot.sendMessage("IPN: Payment status: " + options.status_text );

command onError

// You can inspect all fields:

Permanent wallet

We use command "get_callback_address" with IPN.

Please see for details.

Yes, you can write it via Libs.CoinPayments.apiCallmethod too. But there is an easier way.

Command /createWallet

  currency: "BTC",
  //label: "myLabel",
  onSuccess: "/onWalletCreate",
  // onIPN - not necessary
  //onIPN: "/onPermanentWalletIPN",
  onIncome: "/onIncome"
  // if you want customize error messages
  // onError: "/onError"

Automatically with Library:

It is preferable to use method onIncome and not method onIPN.

Since the method onIncome completely covers the IPN and solves the problem with IPN Retries / Duplicate IPNs

Command /onWalletCreate


let wallet = options.result.address;
Bot.sendMessage("Your permanent wallet address is:\n`" + wallet + "`")

// You can save wallet
//User.setProperty("wallet", wallet, "string");

Command /onIncome

// anybody can run /onIncome command!

   // for security we need to check that this command runned only by lib
   // user can not run command with options

let wallet = options.address;
let currency = options.currency;
let amount = options.amount;

let fiat_amount = options.fiat_amount;
let fiat_currency = options.fiat_coin;

let fee = options.fee;

let txn_id = options.txn_id

// see another fields by
// Bot.sendMessage(inspect(options));

   "*Income to wallet:*" +
   "\n`"+ wallet + "`" +
   "\n\n*Amount*:\n" +
amount + " " + currency + " (" + fiat_amount + " " + fiat_currency + ")" +
   "\n*Fee*: " + fee +
   "\n\nTXN: `" + txn_id + "`"

command onError

// You can inspect all fields:

Troubleshooting & Debuging

  • Do not use same CoinPayment account for receiving and transfering funds.

  • Go to page. This list must have history with completed income transaction(s)

  • Try to resend IPN - see Debuging

  • Verify that you have set IPN secret

IPN History

You can view IPN History by link

Also you can resend IPN by checkin "Resend" checkbox and button "Re-send checked IPN(s)"

Test methods

Temporary wallet:

Also it is possible make test onPaymentCompleted event. It is good if you do not want make test payment.

options = {
  onPaymentCompleted: "/onPaymentCompleted 0.75"


Permanent wallet:

Also it is possible make test callTestPermanentWalletIncome event. It is good if you do not want make test payment.

options = {
  // onIPN: "/onPermanentWalletIPN",  // if you need IPN also
  onIncome: "/onIncome",
  // not necessary options
  // you can pass amount
  //amount: 0.5
  // txn_id: YOUR_TXN_ID



It is strongly recommended to pay attention to safety when using this library.

Do not use default names for secure commands such as /onIncome, /onPaymentCompleted

Anybody can run any command by names. So need to check that security command runned by CoinPayment Lib only!

   // for security we need to check that this command runned only by lib
   // user can not run command with options

// your secure code

Do not use any non official libs now.

  • Any lib can run command with options.

  • Any libs can read properties (and read your API Keys from other lib)

We have not way to protect this now. Just not use NON official libs with CP lib. Well, that now there are no such libraries

Grant only the really necessary permissions for the Api key. If yor bot do not need "create_withdrawal" or etc methods - turn theys off.

Read more about security here

Do not process any before payment!

Any API commands can have errors: API errors, timeout errors, network errors, and other errors.

You need to withdraw, make deposit income only on success!

Because if you get an error, such a conclusion, replenishment of the deposit, etc. - will always be!

Last updated