Last updated
Last updated
function onEnding(time){
// can give bonus now
Bot.sendMessage("You have bonus now");
// your other code here
return true; // if false - cooldown is not restarted
function onStarting(){
// cooldown just started
Bot.sendMessage("You will have bonus later");
function onWaiting(waitTime){
// we have active cooldown
Bot.sendMessage("Please wait: " + waitTime + " secs" );
// you need name for cooldown
name: "GemBonusCooldown",
time: 120, // cooldown time, 120 secs - 2 minute
onStarting: onStarting,
onEnding: onEnding,
onWaiting: onWaiting
// or cooldown for chat:{
// you need name for cooldown
name: "GemBonusCooldown",
time: 120, // cooldown time, 120 secs - 2 minute
onStarting: onStarting,
onEnding: onEnding,
onWaiting: onWaiting
// or global bot cooldown
// it can be used with Auto Retry (then chat or user are null)
// you need name for cooldown
name: "GemBonusCooldown",
time: 120, // cooldown time, 120 secs - 2 minute
onStarting: onStarting,
onEnding: onEnding,
onWaiting: onWaiting
// get current cooldown res for chat
let cooldown ="GemBonusCooldown");
// for user:
// let cooldown = Libs.CooldownLib.user.getCooldown("GemBonusCooldown");
// global
// let cooldown = Libs.CooldownLib.getCooldown("GemBonusCooldown");
cooldown.value(); // current cooldown in second
cooldown.set(60 + cooldown.value()) // add 60 sec to cooldown
// get current cooldown Res - see ResourcesLib
let cooldown ="GemBonusCooldown");
// for user:
// let cooldown = Libs.CooldownLib.user.getCooldown("GemBonusCooldown");
// global
// let cooldown = Libs.CooldownLib.getCooldown("GemBonusCooldown");
var curValue = cooldown.value(); // current cooldown in second
cooldown.set(curValue - 40) // reduce 40 sec from cooldown