// see all parameters in https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendphoto
photo: "https://cataas.com/cat", // it is picture!
caption: "Test photo",
reply_markup: { inline_keyboard: [
// line 1
// open the link on button pressing
{ text: "button1", url: "http://example.com" },
// run command /onButton2 on button pressing
{ text: "button2", callback_data: "/onButton2" }
// line 2
// see all params in
// https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#inlinekeyboardbutton
{ text: "button3", callback_data: "/onButton3" }
Get methods
You can call Api get methods (and others methods too). Need pass on_result key.
For example get all user's profile photos:
Command /get
user_id: user.telegramid,
// this command will be executed after getting photos
on_result: "onGetProfilePhotos",
// you can pass any options for callback:
// bb_options: { your: "any", options: "here" }
Command onGetProfilePhotos
// you can inspect result:
// Bot.inspect(options)
return Bot.sendMessage("Error!");
return Bot.sendMessage("You have no photos in profile")
let photos = options.result.photos;
for(let i in photos){
Api.sendPhoto( { photo: photos[i][0].file_id } );
// and passed bb_options:
// Bot.inspect(options.bb_options)
Error handling
It is possible to capture error with on_error param
audio: "https://www.bensound.org/bensound-music/bensound-funnysong.mp3",
on_error: "/on_error",
// you can pass any options for callback:
// bb_options: { your: "any", options: "here" }
In command on_error:
Bot.sendMessage("We have error with sending audio");
// and passed bb_options:
// Bot.inspect(options.bb_options)