
Use this lib to connect BJS with Google App Script

Getting started

Easy setup

  1. Copy this table to your Google account

  2. Deploy as web app

  3. Try to open web app via app Public App url

  4. Install GoogleAppLib and WebhooksLib to your bot

  5. Create setup command

After this step you can use this Lib and debug.

Detail setup

This is detail setup description. Please try to use easy setup before it.

1. Create new App Script project

Go to and create new project by button:

2. Add

Paste the script from above into the script code editor and hit Save.

You will need to contact your Google Apps administrator, or else use a Gmail account.)

3. Deploy as web app

Now click Deploy. You may be asked to review permissions now. Project version - always "New".

Cloick in Deploy button. You will have Public App url.

4. Public App URL

The URL that you get will be the webhook that you need use in this Lib. You can test this webhook in your browser first by pasting it. Note that depending on your Google Apps instance, you may need to adjust the URL to make it work.

5. Add permissions

You need to add permissions

6. Install GoogleAppLib and WebhooksLib to bot

Go to App > Libs and install GoogleAppLib and WebhooksLib

7. Create setup command:


// replace with your URL, obtained in step 4


Use any Google App script in BJS now

function GACode(){
   // Google App Script code here
   // Please note: this function is runs on GA not BB
   // ...

// BJS{
  code: GACode, // Function with Google App code
  onRun: "onRun", // Optional. This command will be executed after run
  email: "" // Optional. Email for errors,
  // debug: true // For debug. Default is false

Example for command /task

function GACode(){
  // translation from English to France
  var trans = LanguageApp.translate(params, 'en', 'fr');

  // make Google Calendar event
  var event = CalendarApp.getDefaultCalendar()
    .createEventFromDescription('Lunch with ' + user.first_name + ', Friday at 1PM');
  // send Email
    to: "",
    subject: "hello from bot " +,
    htmlBody: "<h1>Hello!</h1>How are you?<br>" +
        "We have message to bot: " + message

  // ...
  // Use all power of Google App Script!
  // return result as JSON
  return { event: event, trans: trans }
  code: GACode,
  onRun: "onRun",
  // email: "" // email for errors
  // debug: true // default false

You can turn on debug flag with true

Then you can debug code

command onRun


GACode - it is isolated function with Google App code. It can not have BJS code like Bot.sendMessage and etc. Only GA code!

But you can use variables and pass data with options for method.

let myVar = "will not works";

options.myVar = "will be works";

function GACode(){
   // Google App Script code here
   // Please note: this function is runs on GA not BB
   // ...
   myVar = 5; // Error! myVar is not defined in GA only in BB side
   // this will be works:
   let myVar;
   myVar = 5;
   Bot.sendMessage("ok")  // Error! It is BJS not GA code!
   let botName =; // Will be worked
   let myVar = options.myVar; // Will be worked


You need set permissions for Google App Script

Run first time. You can have like such error:

Error on Google App script: "Exception"

"The script does not have permission to perform that action. Required permissions: ( || ||"

If you have such error you need set access rights.

Granting access rights via manifest file

Full help available here. From that help:

  1. Open the script project.

  2. At the left, click Project Settings settings.

  3. Select the Show "appsscript.json" manifest file in editor checkbox:

At the left, click Editor code.

At the left, click the appsscript.json file.

Locate the top-level field labeled oauthScopes. If it's not present, you can add it.

The oauthScopes field specifies an array of strings. To set the scopes your project uses, replace the contents of this array with the scopes you want it to use. For example:

  "timeZone": "Asia/Tokyo",
  "dependencies": {
  "webapp": {
    "access": "ANYONE_ANONYMOUS",
    "executeAs": "USER_DEPLOYING"
  "exceptionLogging": "STACKDRIVER",
  "oauthScopes": ["",
  "runtimeVersion": "V8"
  1. Save the manifest file using Ctrl+S or the Save file icon in the menu bar.

  2. Publish your app again (see step 3)


Run Libs.GoogleAppLib.runin first time. Then:

  • go to Google App Script Editor (See step 2)

  • select "debug" function on Tab

  • press "Debug" button:

Google app is runs. Bot will sent execution result to you. Also you can receive email with error description.

You can use "debug" function anytime for debugging

Also you can open web app by url (see step 5) in incognito mode. And look for any errors. For example we have permission error here:

Google App script home page

Google App Script examples - good examples for inspiration

Stack Overflow answers - ask your questions on SO

Videos - Check out the Apps Script videos on YouTube

Reference - The reference documentation provided in this section describes the various Apps Script services and the Apps Script manifest file structure.

Last updated